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BRFH – Business Update Conference Call

There are not a lot of hints as to what this could be about.  It might be as simple as a yearly report, but I have never seen such vague […]

SLS – Update on Phase 3 REGAL

This event is different from a data release or Advisory Committee Meeting.  In this case, the limited information we know is that there are going to be 3 people hosting parts of the presentation.  If the update were to be something dire like, "we are ending the study and abandoning this line of medicine," they […]

BGXX – Share Lockup Expiration Date ????

Share Lockup Expiration Dates can be very volatile. A lot of people have a misconception that because more shares can be added to the float, it is a bearish event. […]

????OKYO – Share Lockup Expiration ????

Share Lockup Expiration Dates can be very volatile. A lot of people have a misconception that because more shares can be added to the float, it is a bearish event. That is not necessarily true, and as a matter of fact, there have been some major runs each month before, on, or shortly after the […]

????VEDU – Share Lockup Expiration ????

Share Lockup Expiration Dates can be very volatile. A lot of people have a misconception that because more shares can be added to the float, it is a bearish event. […]

✂️ICLK – Reverse Split (1-10) ✂️

A reverse split is, generally, a negative situation.  It means that the company is probably struggling to be in compliance, or the company has been  watching their stock price drop and wants to reset in a sense, at a higher price, and try to start building value again.  When a stock goes through a reverse […]

IMMP – Jefferies London Healthcare Conference

This is a boring event that is not likely to be a catalyst for many, but IMMP has incredibly high implied volatility (as of 10-24) and is worth monitoring.  If not for this event, then for some other catalyst.  Options traders have bet on a big move in the coming month or two.

MITO – Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

This is a meeting to approve a previously announced merger between to Stealth Biotherapeutics affiliated companies.  It is unknown if this is of any importance, but worth seeing if the runup period has volatility.  If so, it would be worth doing some research about the implications of the merge. Link to Event PR:

ARDX – Advisory Committee Meeting (FDA)

An Advisory Committee Meeting is an interesting one.  On the one hand, it is an EVENT, that will definitely make traders speculate in the weeks prior.  So the Runup Crew, who like to "buy the rumor and sell the news," will want to monitor the technicals, volume, and price action during the coveted runup period.  […]

KTRA – Society for Neuro-Oncology Meeting

This is a chance for small cap companies to present in front of industry insiders, investors, potential new customers and medical professionals.  The event is one of many each year, […]

PRGO – Advisory Committee Meeting

An Advisory Committee Meeting is an interesting one.  On the one hand, it is an EVENT, that will definitely make traders speculate in the weeks prior.  So the Runup Traders, […]